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War Metal Wiki

The Blight Pack contains random cards from the Blight set.

  • Purchasing prerequisite: Player level 5 (or above)
  • Costs: 60000Gold, 25War Bonds or 40 Conquest Tokens
  • Cards: 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon, 3 Common
  • Each pack has a 13% chance of containing a Legendary card instead of a Rare card.

There are 20 Common cards, 16 Uncommon cards, 10 Rare cards and 4 Legendary cards available to players in Blight Packs. The chance of getting a specific card from a Blight Pack is:

  • 15% for a Common card
  • 12.5% for an Uncommon card
  • 8.7% for a Rare card
  • 3.25% for a Legendary card

Some of these cards are obtained as Rewards for completing certain missions. The Blight cards in a player's collection are displayed under the Blight Icon (TSetIconBlight) in the player's Profile -> Card Collection.


The following skills were introduced in Blight:


  • The Blight expansion was introduced with 50 cards in version 1.7.2.

All items (50)