War Metal Wiki

Activation skills trigger at the beginning of the card's turn. Activation skills trigger in this order:

  1. Activation skills on Action Cards, from top to bottom
  2. Activation skills on Commander Cards, from top to bottom
  3. Activation skills on Structure Cards, from top to bottom, from left to right
  4. Activation skills on Assault Cards, from top to bottom, from left to right

If the timer on a card is still running, its Activation skills do not trigger.

An Assault card's Activation skills trigger before it attacks. However, each card attacks before the cards to its right begin their turns.

Activation skills on assault cards are unaffected by Immobilize, but will not trigger whenever Jammed.

Some Activation skills have Type restrictions. This means that only units of a certain Type will be "visible" to the skill. If there are no visible targets, the skill does nothing that turn.

Some Activation skills have the word All. This means that instead of targeting a single random unit it will target every unit that is visible to the skill.

Activation skills that work on enemies are subject to the Evade skill. All Activation skills are subject to the Mimic skill, with a few exceptions (Mimic, Split).

All items (37)