- (Quest 18)
- APX Duelo
- Abducter
- Abolisher
- Abominable Horror
- Abominable Raksha
- Abomination
- Absolver
- Absolving Mists
- Absorption Shield
- Achawin
- Achievements
- Acid Spewer
- Acid Splash
- Acid Splash (Unavailable)
- Acid Spout
- Acidic Burst
- Acropolis
- Adamantite Armor
- Adaptable Mechsuit
- Additional Support
- Adjudicator Engine
- Admiral Helo
- Admit all
- Advanced Foundry
- Adytum
- Aegis
- Aerial Units
- Aiko
- Aiko (Unavailable)
- Airstrike
- Ajax
- Alaric
- Alaric (Unavailable)
- Alliance
- Allogarb
- Alpha Lithid
- Alpha Mech
- Amorphous Wretch
- Amplifying Mass
- Anakis Caverns
- Anarchy Above All
- Anastasia
- Angelwing
- Annelid Mass
- Annihilator DR
- Anvil
- Anvil, Lv2
- Apex
- Apex, Dread Mothership
- Apex Overdrive
- Apex Worldship
- Apollo
- Apparition
- Aquabat
- Aquatic Epicenter
- Arachis Beacon
- Arachis Tokens
- Arachnous
- Araquanid
- Arc Trooper
- Arcid
- Arctis
- Arena
- Arena Token
- Armadillo
- Armored Slab
- Armored Units
- Armory
- Armory (subsection)
- Armory Archive
- Arms Depot
- Artemis Besieged
- Artemis Formation For Asphodel
- Artemis Generator
- Artemis Station
- Artemis Tank
- Artillery Encampment
- Ascaris
- Ashrock
- Asian Alliance
- Asp
- Asphodel
- Asphodel Force Set-Up
- Asphodel Vanguard Tokens
- Assailant
- Assault Units
- Assembly Plant
- Asylum
- Atelier
- Atlantis
- Atlas
- Atlas (Unavailable)
- Attalia
- Auger Tank
- Avalanche
- Avatar
- Avenger
- Ayrkrane
- Azure Reaper
- Azure Reaper (Unavailable)
- Bahamut
- Banshee
- Barbarian
- Barracks
- Barracuda
- Barracus
- Barracus (Unavailable)
- Barrage Tank
- Barricade Slasher
- Barrier
- Barrier, Lv2
- Battle
- Battle Flag
- Battle Mount
- Battle Station
- Battlettoads
- Bazooka Marine
- Beacon
- Beam Cannon
- Beast Beacon
- Beast of Tartarus Tokens
- Beetle Bomber
- Behemoth
- Behemoth Pup
- Behemoth Tokens
- Beholder
- Beholder, Lv2
- Bellona
- Benediction
- Benediction, the Blinding Fury
- Benediction Altrus
- Beowulf Cluster
- Berzerker
- Beta Zoid
- Betrach, Hand of Tartarus
- Bianca
- Binary
- Bio Drone
- Bio Launcher
- Biped
- Black Lithid Tokens
- Black Ops
- Blackhammer
- Blackmarsh
- Blaster
- Blight Bloom
- Blight Card List
- Blight Claw
- Blight Crusher
- Blight Devourer
- Blight Geyser
- Blight Golem
- Blight Master
- Blight Ooze
- Blight Spawn
- Blight Tainter
- Blight Tower
- Blightbloom
- Blightbulb
- Blinding Apprentice
- Blindside
- Blitz
- Blitz Armor
- Blitz Buzzers
- Blitz Precursor
- Blockade
- Blockade Tank
- Blood
- Blood Emblem
- Blood Grunt
- Blood Pool
- Blood Rider
- Blood Spout
- Blood Wall
- Bloodsucker
- Bloodsucker (Unavailable)
- Bloodthirsty Units
- Bloodwings
- Bloody Mary
- Bloom
- Bolide Walker
- Bolster Xeno
- Bombardment Tanks
- Bonestalker
- Boosts
- Boot Camp
- Boreback
- Boris
- Bosses
- Boundless Blight
- Bountiful Tick
- Brain Sucker
- Brave guys
- Brawler
- Breakerknot
- Bridge of Destiny
- Brood Mother
- Brood Walker
- Brotherhood
- Bruiser
- Bulbous Slug
- Bulging Mantis
- Bulldozer
- Bulwark
- Bulwark Guard
- Burrower
- Burst Hail
- Bursting Spore
- Buster
- Butcherbird
- Buzz Slicer
- Byron Skyfist
- C- -O- -B- -R- -A
- Caitalia
- Calypso
- Canker Tooth
- Cannon Walker
- Cannon Walker, Lv2
- Cannon Wall
- Captor
- Carapace Quake
- Carbine
- Carcass Scrounge
- Carnivore
- Carrion Retriever
- Carrion Retriever (Unavailable)
- Casing
- Cassandra
- Cassandra (Unavailable)
- Cassidy
- Cataclysm Tokens
- Cavern Smelter
- Caverns
- Caverns of Adron
- Centurian
- Centurion
- Cerberus
- Chaos Scab
- Chaos Swarm
- Chaos War Token
- Chaos Wave
- Character
- Charging Rhinos
- Chimera
- Chimera Beacon
- Chopper
- Chronos
- Chronos, Lv2
- Claw Wheeler
- Clipper
- Cloaked Exarch
- Cloning Laboratory
- Cluster Ballista
- Cog Fist
- Collapsible Rig
- Collection
- Collection Arena
- Collection Attributes
- Collection Faction
- Collection Forge
- Collection Formations
- Collection Special
- Collection Units
- Collection Upgrades
- Collection Vindicator
- Colossus
- Colossus, Lv2
- Colossus Overlord
- ComSat
- ComSat Terminal
- Combat Rank
- Combat Specialist
- Command Center
- Commanders
- Commando
- Commando Token
- Common Card List
- Communications Array
- Complete Card List
- Components
- Concussive Guard
- Concussive Guard, Lv2
- Constantine
- Contaminant Scour
- Core Driller
- Corilane
- Corilane (Unavailable)
- Corpulent Barrier
- Corra
- Corrosive Fiend
- Corrosive Spores
- Corrupt Archfiend
- Cover Fire
- Covert Armor
- Crack Shot
- Crazed Assailant
- Credo Defender
- Credo Flak
- Credo Master
- Credo Mech
- Creed
- Crippler
- Crippling Barrier
- Crumbling Remains
- Crushing Force
- Crypt Mercenary
- Cultivator
- Cupid
- Cybertron
- Cyborg Slayer
- Cycle Mech
- Cyclone
- Cynthia
- Cypher
- Cyrus
- Daedalus
- Daedalus Tank
- Daemon
- Daizon
- Daizon (Unavailable)
- Dalia
- Dark Revenant
- Dark Wings
- Darkon Destroyer
- Dawnbringer
- Deacon
- Deacon (Unavailable)
- DeadMen
- Deadblow
- Death from Above
- Deep Harrier
- Defender Pods
- Defiance
- Deflector
- Delphan
- Dementia
- Demolish
- Demolition Bot
- Demon