War Metal Wiki

Tyrant Card Analysis[]

Mend Wounds is one of the "restoration" actions in the game, which is dependant on the number of high health assaults on the user's side. As such, it lost much popularity to Pandemic, due to its much smaller effective range.

As mentioned, Mend Wounds fit worse on structure-heavy, blitz decks than Pandemic, and it is dependent on damage onto owner's assaults. There exists possibility that opposing deck is aimed to one-shot or concentrate firepower on a few assaults, rather than hitting everyone. The worse matter is of tournament, in which quick and effective assaults are usually keys to victory. However, Mend Wounds has superior performance on some kind of slowrolls, especially those with Armor, Flying and Evade, like Azure Spam and Pummpool. This card also works well against Structure decks, unlike most othe action cards. http://i423.photobucket.com/albums/pp312/rewlf2/rewlf2/sigrune-1.png 05:08, November 4, 2011 (UTC)