War Metal Wiki

This mission becomes available after completing Mission 53, takes place in Odeus Mines and costs 7Energyper attempt. Each victory in this mission gives the player 4Reputation PointstowardsThe Purge, 88Goldand 33Experience Points. At the 6th victory the player gets 350Goldinstead of 88Gold, as well as two copies of Tunneller.

Mission 54
TTerrogor M54
TGravity Tank
TCavern Smelter
TDominated Hatchlings
TDragoon Hunters
TMind Controller
TBlinding Apprentice
TDracus Wyrm
TEnclave Pylon
TImpede Assault

Use this page for strategies.
For information about grindingGold,Reputation PointsandExperience Points, see this page.