War Metal Wiki

Status Bar

The status bar is displayed at the top of the screen whenever you are not in a battle.

Profile Button[]


Profile Button

The Profile of the Player is accessible via the icon located at the right of the name of the Player.




Gold is used to purchase Card Packs and individual Reward Cards.

War Bonds[]

Acquiring War Bonds[]

War Bonds can be acquired in four ways:

  1. You start with 10War Bonds.
  2. You have a chance of getting additional War Bonds in the Daily Chance.
  3. At the discretion of the game developers, the player community may be awarded War Bonds as compensation for a serious technical issue with the game, or when a game update is released.
  4. You can purchase War Bonds with Kongregate Kreds or Facebook Credits.

War Bond Pricing[]


War Bonds (Facebook)

Kreds War Bonds purchased War Bonds/Kred
50 30 0.6
100 60 0.6
200 130 0.65
500 350 0.7
1,000 730 0.73

War Bond Purchases (Repeatable)[]

Item Cost in War Bonds
Energy Refill 10
Promotional Card (Front Page) 20
Bronze Pack 1
Silver Pack 5
Gold Pack 10
Enclave Pack 15
Expansion Pack 25
Uncommon Card in Elite Vault 10
Rare Card in Elite Vault 25

Level and Experience[]

Status bar kong

Status Bar 1.8.54 (Kongregate)

Upon gaining a level all Energy and Stamina is refilled.

Here are the parameters for levels (source):

  • The maximum level is 500.
  • The amount of Experience Points required to level up increases with each level.
  • When the amount of Experience Points required to level up reaches 1400 (requirement for level 10), subsequent levels will increase the Experience Points requirement for the specified level by 100.
Level Total Experience Points Required Level Experience Points Required
1 0 0
2 20 20
3 80 60
4 200 120
5 700 500
6 1500 800
7 2400 900
8 3400 1000
9 4600 1200
10 6000 1400
Previous "Level" + 1 Previous level "Total Experience Points Required" + current level "Level Experience Points Required" Previous "Level Experience Points Required" + 100

Please refer to Levels for an expanded table including details for levels beyond what is shown here.




Energy refills at 1 per minute, to a maximum of 100 or above (see this page). It is used for Missions and Raids.



Stamina (Facebook)

Stamina refills at 1 per minute, to a maximum of 100. It is used for Faction battles.

Audio Buttons[]

Mute auto buttons

Mute and Auto buttons on status bar.

These buttons allow you to toggle the music and/or sound effects on or off.

Auto Button[]

Auto btn

The Auto Button

This button toggles "Auto Mode" on and off. When active, this button causes your battles to be played entirely by the game engine, which will randomly play the cards from your selected deck. While manual control allows you to choose a card from your hand each turn and thereby employ specific strategies and react appropriately to specific enemy cards, Auto mode will play your hand quickly without requiring your input.


  • The Status Bar may be modified when an update is released and has already been modified several times.
  • There are some differences between the version on Facebook and the version on Kongregate (such as the "Earn More" button, which exists on Facebook but does not exist on Kongregate).
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KatanaLord Halcyon
CraftingRulesScriptSkillsSpecial PromotionsStatus BarVersionsWalkthrough
Cards DecksActionAssaultCommanderStructureLegendary
Factions ImperialRaiderBloodthirstyXenoRighteous
Missions AshrockMissions/Areas/AshrockArctisCyprionBlackmarshSwamps of AndarMissions/Areas/ArctisThe Red SandsWastelandKor EncampmentSulfurisOdeus MinesBlightlandsTartarus CliffsRazogoth's GraveBreeding PitsTartarus CoreTriton IsleMount PristineProtectors' CradleValhallaVistik IslandArctis PrimeArtemisPhobos StationShattered CoastLockeheart
See also: Mission DecksMission GrindingMission Strategies
PvP ArenaPlayer FactionsTournaments
Raids Arctis VanguardXeno WalkerSiege on KorImperial PurgerEnclave FlagshipOluthTartarus SwarmBehemothMiasmaBlightbloomGore TyphonJotun, Sacred GuardianPantheon PerfectSentinel RebornLithidLernaean Hydra
Store EliteCard PacksRewards