War Metal Wiki
War Metal Wiki

War Metal[]

Righteous Armored
Special Ability
Flux Blast: Chance to deal minor damage and bring another Righteous unit into battle.
Quality: Purple
Attack Defense
75 60

Vigil is acquired during the Righteous Parlay Mission of Purged Blight.


  • Proc rate: 50%
  • Damage: 2-5
  • Average damage per attack: 1.5
  • On proc: Reinforces one Righteous.


Vigil is available to Tyrant players through Gold Packs and Daily Chance.

Tyrant: Vigil


Set: Standard
Quality: Rare
Faction: Righteous
Timer: 3 Turns
Attack Health
3 4
Armored 1
Heal All 1
Rally Righteous 2

Vigil can be upgraded using 2 copies of the card and 20000 Gold. Doing so raises its Armored ability to 2 and its Health to 6.