This page contains standards specific to Tyrant.
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- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Achievements
Achievements Tiers
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There are no tiers defined for decks on achievement pages.
All content created for Tyrant must have a parent page which is a subpage of Tyrant. The exceptions are:
- Content that is shared with War Metal, such as Tyrant cards where there is a War Metal unit by the same name.
- Pages for Tyrant cards. Since many cards are already sharing their pages with War Metal units having the same names, it is more consistent overall that all card pages should remain where they are at the root level of the Wiki.
If the architecture for the War Metal side of the Wiki changes, or a proposal is made and approved to bring all Tyrant content under the Tyrant parent page, this standard should be reviewed at that time.
Card Accessibility
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Accessibility of cards is defined in increasing order as follows, notice if decks have owned cards of multiple category (Like Vaporwing and T-46) it will always be considered to be the most difficult type available:
- T-46 Leonidas
limited time offer, no longer available - Legendary Card from Phobos Packs
25per pack, 2.6% chance per pack
- Legendary Card from Nexus, Blight and Purity Packs
25per pack, 3.25% chance per pack
- Legendary Card from Phobos Aftermath Packs
25per pack, 6.5% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Purity Packs
25per pack, 3 chances, 21 Common cards, effectively 14.2857% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Nexus, Blight and Phobos Packs
25per pack, 3 chances, 20 Common cards, effectively 15% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Phobos Aftermath Packs
25per pack, 3 chances, 12 Common cards, effectively 25% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Cards from Phobos Packs
25per pack, 4.35% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Cards from Nexus, Blight and Purity Packs
25per pack, 8.7% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Cards from Phobos Aftermath Packs
25per pack, 9.6667% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Cards from Nexus and Blight Packs
25per pack, 2 chances, 16 Uncommon cards, effectively 12.5% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Cards from Purity and Phobos Packs
25per pack, 2 chances, 15 Uncommon cards, effectively 13.3333% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Cards from Phobos Aftermath Packs
25per pack, 2 chances, 7 Uncommon cards, effectively 28.5714% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- Legendary Promotional Cards
175per card, can be accessed via Promo Card Vault
- Promotional Cards
25per card, can be accessed via Promo Card Vault
- Crafting Reward Cards
Requires lots of participation in all walks of the game (Tournaments, Missions, Raids, Faction Wars; and some luck from Daily Chance) to collect enough materials to acquire even one of these cards - Faction Reward Cards
Requires both Faction level and Loyalty to unlock, Loyalty resets on leaving Faction - Tournament Achievement Cards
Requires a minimum amount of participants to count - Tournament Rating Cards
Requires a minimum amount of participants to count - Raid Reward Cards
Requires active participation of multiple Raid members - Level Reward Cards
Requires massive grinding of - Legendary Card from Homeworld Packs
60kper pack, 2.6% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Homeworld Packs
60kper pack, 3 chances, 20 Common cards, effectively 15% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Cards from Homeworld Packs
60kper pack, 4.35% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Cards from Homeworld Packs
60kper pack, 2 chances, 15 Uncommon cards, effectively 13.3333% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- Legendary Card from Gold Packs
5kper pack, 2.6% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Gold Packs
5kper pack, 3 chances, 46 Common cards, effectively 6.5217% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Card from Gold Packs
5kper pack, 3.1071% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Card from Gold Packs
5kper pack, 2 chances, 37 Uncommon cards, effectively 5.4054% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Enclave Packs
10kper pack, 3 chances, 20 Common cards, effectively 15% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Rare Card from Enclave Packs
10kper pack, 7.1429% chance per pack OR 25
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Card from Enclave Packs
10kper pack, 2 chances, 16 Uncommon cards, effectively 12.5% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Silver Packs
1kper pack, 4 chances, 36 Common cards, effectively 11.1111% chance per pack
- More than rewarded number of copies of Uncommon Card from Silver Packs
1kper pack, 2 chances, 17 Uncommon cards, effectively 11.7647% chance per pack OR 10
per card from Core Card Vault
- More than rewarded number of copies of Common Cards from Bronze Packs
200per pack, 6 chances, 28 Common cards, effectively 21.4286% chance per pack
- Speedy Achievement Cards
- Other Achievement Cards
- Tournament Participation Cards
- Reputation Reward Cards and Arena Reward Cards
- Mission Reward Cards
Simply speaking, an Eva II spam only required Reputation Grinding, that is pretty low in gold cost too. A deck with Vaporwing would cost 25.
Card Analyses
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A card analysis should be published on the talk page for a given card page. This allows for discussion about the card and the analysis without affecting the integrity of the card page.
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Decks should always be posted using the {{PlayerDeck}} template.
If a deck is widely regarded to be effective for many different missions, it can be made into it's own page and then transcluded into the various articles where it is relevant. This avoids duplication.
If a deck is being posted for a specific use case, it should not be made into it's own page, but rather simply included in the relevant page using the aforementioned template.
Deck Order
Decks within {{PlayerDeck}} templates are to be ordered first by Tier (ascending), on pages where tiers are used. They are then to be ordered by win rate (descending).
Decks within {{EvalDecks}} templates are to be ordered by win rate (descending).
Deck Talk
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Contributors should avoid publishing decks with additional talk about how the deck is to be used. Test results for both automatic and manual (specific card order) battle modes are more than adequate for many cases.
If the additional text can be replaced with {{EvalDecks}} rows showing test results for variations on the deck, then the test results are to be included, not the text. This includes text which explains card substitutions and play order.
Text which explains other uses for the deck, personal experience commentary and "how-to-get-these-cards" mini guides are not permitted, but may be published to the associated talk page.
For the rare case where there is no replacement for additional text, the text should be a link to a section heading with the same name as the deck, located on the talk page.
- Format
- [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Deck_Name|Discussion for the above deck]]
- A section heading must then be created on the associated talk page, followed by the desired text.
Deck Testing
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Decks may not be published to articles without an accompanying proper test result included using Evaluate Decks (Existing decks published prior to this proposal are grandfathered/exempt). The Evaluate Decks results must be published using {{EvalDecks}} and follow the rules.
Decks may be published to talk pages without test results, but contributors are encouraged to test the decks they wish to publish and include the results as described above.
Game Updates
Discuss on the talk page. If there is any change to a game element detailed within the article that is the result of an official game update, this needs to be included in a Notes section at the base of the page (before any NavBoxes) with the following details:
- The game version number when the change occurred (preferred) or the date when the change occurred.
- Specific details as to what changed, brief and to the point.
- In the case of Tyrant, where version updates are sometimes out of sync between the Facebook platform and the Kongregate platform, information for both platforms should be included (if known).
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- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Grinding
- All articles start with {{TyrantMissionGrindingHeader}}
- Parameters of TyrantMissionGrindingHeader are left untyped instead of typed as "A=" (that is, empty String input); unless a better relevant grinding ratio is found, in the case of which the Mission with better ratio is typed as a linked String ([[Mission Name]]).
- For the three prevbetter parameters, the Mission used needs to have the best relevant ratio prior to unlocking this mission and no worse ratio than this mission.
- For the three "laterbetter" parameters, the Mission used needs to be the mission closest to this mission and has no worse ratio than this mission.
- New {{PlayerDeck}} templates should be used only if:
- No templated deck with less than 5 different cards is found. (Empty card slots count, so a 6-card deck derived from a templated 10-card deck by removing 4 cards and changing a fifth card for a sixth card qualifies, while a 6-card deck derived from a templated 10-card deck simply by removing 4 cards does not qualify)
- New {{PlayerDeck}} templates should not be used if:
- A templated deck with less than 5 different cards is found. (Empty card slots count)
- In such cases, put new decks under corresponding EvalDecks template as a variation.
- A templated deck with less than 5 different cards is found. (Empty card slots count)
- Variations of a suggested deck in {{EvalDecks}} should be arranged in descending order of win rates.
- The variation with the highest win rate gets the first row, the variation with the next highest win rate gets the second row, and so on.
- Whenever at least two PlayerDeck templates are found, the decks should be arranged by descending order of win rates of best variations.
- The deck whose best variation is the highest win rate gets the first PlayerDeck template, and the deck is removed from further rearrangements. Repeat until only one deck is left unrearranged, and put it to the bottom of page.
- After rearrangement, the deck with first PlayerDeck template gets the section header "Top Choice", the deck with second PlayerDeck template gets the section header "2nd Choice", and so on.
Grinding Tiers
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There are no tiers defined for decks on Grinding pages.
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- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Missions
Mission Decks
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- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Mission Decks
If a card can be pulled from card packs, use the {{InPack}} template. Follow the template link to view the documentation on how to use the template.
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- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Raids
Raid Tiers
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Decks referenced within this Raids sub-section refer specifically to Player Decks published to raid subpages.
The following cards are not permitted to be included within decks due to their inaccessibility:
- Any card which is no longer available, or is restricted to players from a particular location (such as T-46 Leonidas, also identified by being part of the Exclusive set in cards.xml).
- Crafted cards.
- Faction reward cards from player faction levels eleven or above.
- Player Level Reward cards from levels 76 or above.
- Any Promotional card which costs more than 25
- Raid Reward cards used in decks for the same Raid from which said cards are acquired.
Decks must conform to one of five tiers (with two Dracorex sub tiers):
- Tier 1
- A deck belongs to Tier 1 if it contains:
- A legendary card from a Nexus, Blight, Purity, Phobos or Phobos Aftermath pack.
- Common cards from Nexus, Blight, Purity, Phobos or Phobos Aftermath packs where the quantity used in the deck exceeds the number which can be acquired as rewards.
- Tier 1 Dracorex
- A deck belongs to Tier 1 Dracorex if it is a Tier 1 deck which contains Dracorex. This is to compensate for the high number of decks which use Dracorex.
- Tier 2
- A deck belongs to Tier 2 if it contains the following cards:
- Rare or uncommon cards from Nexus, Blight, Purity, Phobos or Phobos Aftermath packs where the quantity used in the deck exceeds the number which can be acquired as rewards.
- Promotional cards which are still available for purchase by any player at a cost of no more than 25 war bonds.
- Tier 2 Dracorex
- A deck belongs to Tier 2 Dracorex if it is a Tier 2, 3, 4 or 5 deck which contains Dracorex. This is to compensate for the high number of decks which use Dracorex. Dracorex itself is a Tier 2 card by this definition, so this is why the Tier n Dracorex sub-tiers end at this point.
- Tier 3
- A deck belongs to Tier 3 if it contains:
- Raid reward cards (not from the same raid, as stated above).
- Reward cards obtained from tournament ranking achievements.
- Faction reward cards from player faction levels 1-10.
- Player level reward cards from player levels 1-75.
- Tier 4
- A deck belongs to Tier 4 if it contains:
- Cards from Homeworld packs where the quantity used in the deck exceeds the number which can be acquired as rewards.
- Cards obtained from tournament rankings.
- Tier 5
- A deck belongs to Tier 5 if it contains no cards which belong to any other tier.
Decks must use {{PlayerDeck}}, be tested using Evaluate Decks and have their results documented using {{EvalDecks}} according to the template rules.
The highest tiered card in a deck provides the tier to which the deck will belong and will be labelled as such using the name parameter in {{PlayerDeck}}, per the following convention:
- Anti-RaidName: Auto Tier n or Manual Tier n
- Examples
- Anti-Imperial Purger: Auto Tier 1 Dracorex
- Anti-Xeno Walker: Manual Tier 3
Raid Tier Win Rate Restrictions
It is important to recognize the diverse player base and allow decks from Tiers 1 through 5 to be published. The limit per tier is ten decks: One deck using {{PlayerDeck}} and up to nine within the accompanying {{EvalDecks}}, since the templated deck needs ED to have its win rate posted. This creates a maximum of five instances of {{PlayerDeck}} and {{EvalDecks}} on each of the raid Auto and Manual subpages of Tyrant/Raids/RaidName/Player Decks.
If a tier has ten decks, the only way to replace one of the decks within the tier is with a deck that has a higher win rate using Evaluate Decks and fits the requirements of the tier.
Since there are only five instances of {{PlayerDeck}} and they are given the name of the tier (not the name of the deck as per the Author), the template takes on a much different role than in other parts of the Wiki; it is simply a placeholder for the deck in that tier with the highest win rate. The PlayerDeck instance is no longer the definition of the theme, the tier is the definition of the theme.
Test results must be ordered by win rate, descending, with the highest win rate for that tier using the {{PlayerDeck}} template.
Careful attention must be paid not to lose the author of a deck when moving it from PlayerDeck to an EvalDecks row, it must be included as documented in Template:EvalDecks/doc.
This standard is an effort to make it easier for readers to find decks for the tiers that apply to them, with the ones having the highest win rate always having the most visible position.
This standard helps to ensure that decks from all tiers have a place and also helps to keep raid articles from expanding without limit, making them harder to read and even harder to maintain.
Discuss on the talk page.
- Related project: Project:Projects/Tyrant/Strategy
Strategy Page Card Restrictions
- Promo cards: 1 is too many. I have to say we should assume people have never obtained a War Bond at all.
- Nexus cards, Blight cards, Purity cards, Phobos cards: Limit use of them to only those being rewarded through missions. 1 more copy than rewarded amount is too many, again because they cost Bonds. For example, no decks with 3 Fury Walkers because you only get 2 from M45.
- Raid rewards: 1 is too many. I have to say we should assume people have never joined a successful Raid at all.
- Faction rewards: 1 is too many. I have to say we should assume people have never joined a Faction at all.
- Rep rewards: The following are acceptable in spam amounts (they will be unlocked during the course of completing main Missions):
- Impulse Walker (after M18)
- Moloch (after M24)
- Fortified Extractor (after M35)
- Ghost (after M34)
- Assembly Plant (after M47)
- Vorpal Tank (after M53)
- Irradiated Infantry (after M59)
- Sky Watcher (after M65)
- Cypher (after M72)
- Exhaust (after M79)
- Lumbering Ogre (after M84)
- Onslaught Lead (after M90)
- Grenadier (after M96)
- Repenter (after M103)
- Captor (after M114)
- Righteous Punisher (after M119)
- Microgen (after M124)
- Pandemonium (after M131)
- Ectoplasm (after M139)
- Emanuel (after M144, but you can't spam a Commander card)
- Dark Wings (after M149)
- Beta Zoid (after M156)
- Fate Herald (after M162)
- Crumbling Remains (after M168)
- The following are acceptable, but decks using them need to have 1% better win rate than without them:
- For other rep rewards, 1 is too many.
- Arena rewards: Not a problem for me, since Arena grinding costs neither Energy, Bonds, Gold nor Stamina.
Hakdo 03:42, November 9, 2011 (UTC) - Tournament rewards: Let see... 5 Uncommons and 5 Rares in a random basis, that's 20% chance for a particular Uncommon per tourney play and 20% chance for a particular Rare per top 25% finish. Not a problem for me as long as they get the Gold to burn. Again, needs to boost win rate by 1% per such card.
Hakdo 03:28, November 10, 2011 (UTC) - Achievement rewards: Depends on the mission required for the achievement. For example, you can't use Fighter Jet (Common theme) on M27 or lower, Razogoth's Heir (Free Tartarus) on M112 or lower, Barrier (Join the Righteous) on M115 or lower, and so on. Other than that, I want to see significantly improved win rate, by 1% per card maybe? Except the following cards used on these missions:
- Jet Trooper (Standard Conqueror, for M29+)
- Rifter (Typhon's Conqueror, for M42+ and side missions)
- Poseidon (Nexus Conqueror, for M66+ and side missions since Nexus)
- Lord of Tartarus (Blight Conqueror, for M91+ and side Missions since Blight)
- Mech Aid (Purity Conqueror, for M120+ and side missions since Purity)
- Soot Launcher (Homeworld Conqueror, for M145+ and side missions since HW)
- Hunter (Supreme Warlord, for M149+ since that's a total of 1004 victories)
- Iron Maiden (Phobos Conqueror, for M170+ and side missions since Phobos)
- Side mission rewards: Again, I want to see significantly improved win rate, by 1% per card maybe? Meaning I'd rather not see decks with Exodrone when the best replacement only trails by 0.6% in win rate.
- Level rewards: The following are acceptable on spam amounts (they will be unlocked on your way of fighting through main Missions):
- Avatar (after M47)
- Destructive Ram (after M148)
- Other level rewards are basically the case of "1 is too many" due to insane amounts of grinding needed.
- Other Standard cards: Limit use of them to 1 more copy than being rewarded through missions, due to the randomness of card packs. (Yes, I really meant it. Chance to get a designated Legendary from a Gold Pack is 2.6%, (13% divided among 5 Legendaries) that to get a designated Rare is only 3.1% (28 Rares to share the remaining 87%))
- Enclave cards: Limit use of them to 2 more copies than being rewarded through missions. (it's much less random for Enclave Packs, with 7.14% chance to get a designated Rare)
- Homeworld cards: Limit use of them to 1 more copy than being rewarded through missions. (Due to its high cost - enough to buy 12 Gold Packs. Chance to get a designated Legendary from a HW Pack is 2.6%, (13% divided among 5 Legendaries) that to get a designated Rare is 4.35% (20 Rares to share the remaining 87%))
Strategy Tiers
Discuss on the talk page.
There are no tiers defined for decks on Strategy pages.
Consistency in terminology enhances readability and improves understanding. In some cases, there are multiple words which can be used to refer to the same thing. Unfortunately, these inconsistencies can potentially lead to confusion and misunderstanding.
When more than one term is found to reference the same thing, an inconsistency has been found. This section should be used to propose consistent terminology whenever an inconsistency has been found.
Since this article concerns standards for Tyrant, the following is a list of standard common terms to use within content pertaining specifically to Tyrant:
- Card
- Use this term instead of Unit. Unit is used within War Metal and is not necessarily incorrect within the context of Tyrant, but the use of both the terms Card and Unit decreases consistency and reduces understanding on the Wiki.
- Skill
- Use this term instead of other similar terms such as Ability.
- Member
- Use this term when referencing membership of a player to a Player Faction, or a participant within a Raid, or a participant within a Tournament.
- Pack
- Use this term when referencing a Card Pack which can be purchased at the Store, such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Enclave, Nexus, Blight, Purity, Homeworld or Phobos.
- Set
- Use this term when referencing a collection to which a card belongs, such as Standard, Promotional, Reward or Unavailable. Although cards.xml refers to some packs as sets that are also called packs in packs.xml, the term pack should only be used to refer to a pack which can be purchased at the store (as mentioned above) in the interest of consistency and disambiguation on the Wiki. Unavailable simply means the card appears within the Tyrant game, but is not available to be used in player decks.